Seven Summer Energy Saving Tips For Your Home
Even though the heating may be turned off, we’re still using energy during the Summer. And with the cost of living crisis, we all need to save as much money as possible wherever we can.
So, we thought we’d put together a quick set of tips to save energy in your home this summer.
1. Switch Over To LED Bulbs
OK, this helps save money all year round, but it’s a great idea and so much more efficient than old bulbs, where only about 10-15% of the electricity they use gets turned into light. The rest just goes to waste. LED lights use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer. They are also cooler than the old style lights.
2. Close Your Curtains
If you have lots of windows in your house then you’ll know just how quickly it warms up in the summer. Ever heard yourself complaining, “it’s like a greenhouse in here”? Well, essentially, it is. Keeping your curtains closed will considerably reduce the amount of heat in your home, especially on south-facing windows. If you still want a breeze and natural light, then open the curtains and windows on the side where there’s little sun.
3. Switch Off The Plugs You Aren’t Using
If you’re not using something, then switch it off at the plug or unplug it. You may thin that because you’re not currently using an appliance that it isn’t using up any electricity, but it is!! You could save around £60 a year by turning things off when you’re not using them! Also, each of those appliances that are still switched on is generating a tiny amount of heat in the wires. Put together, they’re heating your house up a little bit more. We realise this could become a little cumbersome every time you want to use something or aren’t using something, so you could get a standby saver or a smart plug that will turn off all your appliances at once.
4. Avoid The Lights Until You Need Them
It gets dark pretty late in the UK in the summer. In fact, did you know that during June and July, the sun actually never sets in the UK? It is simply an eternal dusk overnight. During these lovely light nights and mornings, try to avoid turning the lights on until you have to. The difference in time spent with the lights on from that in the winter is quite astonishing when you think about it. We might turn our lights on at 3pm in the depth of winter, but in summer, we can probably manage happily until after 9pm.
5. Washing & Drying
Clothes washers and dryers and dishwashers generate a massive amount of heat. Why not try doing a colder wash in the summer and then hang your washing outside to dry. Obviously, this is the UK, so it will be raining sometimes (lots) but there are still enough good days to make a great saving on using that dryer. You could also try and ensure you are only doing full loads of washing, so you’re cutting back on the number of times the appliances need to be on. If you really feel brave, you could also try cold showers in the summer. Very invigorating!
6. Make Sure Your Home Is Sealed
You may be aware that insulating your home can save you money in the winter, but did you know it can also help in the summer? Preventing air leaks is a great way to keep warm air out and retain the cool air inside your house, minimising the need for a fan. You could also open doors and windows whilst you’re in the house to let the air pass through and cool down rooms instead of having a fan on all the time. Don’t forget to lock up securely before you go out though.
7. Service Your Boiler Ready for Winter
Finally, summer is a great time to service your boiler. Not only will you avoid any panic when it becomes cold and you want it serviced, but it also gives you the peace of mind that you will be able to just switch it on ready in the winter, with no problems. Having your boiler serviced in the summer also means that it will run efficiently and effectively at its optimum time of year, saving you money on fuel bills over the most expensive months.
So, that’s it. Our 7 tips for saving money on energy this summer. If you want to get your boiler winter ready, then call us and book in for a service today.